.Can You Help? drop boards

I’m looking to replace my drop boards in the companionway on my Mirage 24.

In the past Noah would provide that kind of service but, alas, no more.

They’ll be happy to sell you the wood, cut to the appropriate square footage, with square being the operative word.

They will no longer cut the tapered shape nor do the angled cut between the two sections.

However they did share a tip that, if you initially cut the hatch as one piece and then cut the piece in two with an angled cut, the upper board will fall and jam in the track leaving the top a little short and open to windblown rain. Neither the jamming nor the intruding rain would be desirable.

This is where you can help…

  • Do you know of a source that you can recommend that has the tools and expertise required to cut and finish the wood including installing the latch?
  • If you have a lead, please leave a reply below…

Thanks; see you aBout!

4 thoughts on “.Can You Help? drop boards

  1. Take your old drop boards to plastic world on Chesswood. They will recreate them out of plexiglass and you will never need to worry about them again. Also available in a multitude of shades of Grey or solid colors.

  2. I totally agree with Marc but for one detail – Plexi is as heavy as hell so don’t get the plexi quite as thick as the original wood. Put up with a touch of “rattle” as the plexi boards sit in their frames.

    IF you do them out of wood, the tip from Noah re: the angle cut would work, I feel, if you use a very slight angle (almost a flat cut) and if you cut the entire hatch cover a hair too big. Then do the angle cut. Then slip the covers into place and recut the top piece a hair more to fit.

  3. Larry Who works at Westmarine does small jobs like this he has done a lot of work around the club for other members and is quite reasonable . his # is 647 970 5242

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